circle - shot put, hammer throw
shot put circle 2135mm – steel
158,93EUR LA 2135Oc
shot put circle 2135mm – alu
139,86EUR LA 2135Alu
shot put circle 2135mm – stainless
301,97EUR LA 2135St
shot put toe board - wooden
123,97EUR STB W 100
shot put toe board - hardened plastic
155,75EUR STB P 100
shot put toe board - alu
187,54EUR STB P 100
circle - discus throw
discus throwing circle 2500mm – steel
174,83EUR LA 2500Oc
discus throwing circle 2500mm – alu
152,57EUR LA 2500Alu
discus throwing circle 2500mm – stainless
314,69EUR LA 2500St
reduction - throwing circle 2500/2135mm
158,93EUR LA Redu Pl
hammer and discuss - safety cage
Safety cage - discuss/hammer - alu - 10/7m
12397,-EUR Safety cage - discuss/hammer - steel - 10/7m
11443,-EUR Safety cage - discuss/hammer - alu - 5m
4609,-EUR Safety cage - discuss/hammer - steel - 5m
4038,-EUR All prices without taxes.
prices include net.
prices do not include anchor set, special safety issues, transport and installation
anchor set - hammer throwing cage
1033,-EUR anchor set - discus throwing cage
763,-EUR net to throwing cage
7,95EUR per 1sqm
safety issues - on request